
Country Iran
Spoken languages Farsi- Mashhadi dialect
Population 3100000
Area 351 km2


Mashhad is located between the Hezar masjid and Binalood mountains range, at the height of 1050m above the sea level with a mountainous and semi-mountainous area which presents a moderate and variable climate. Mashhad is considered as the 2nd biggest and the populous city of Iran after Tehran due to it is religious, industry and economic conditions. 

As one of the most magnificent religious places in Iran, Astan Qods Razavi is the symbol of Mashhad where Islamic art and religion are linked to each other. Located along the Silk Road, it is the economic capital and the intercontinental commercial center in Central Asia. Mashhad economic activities are dependent on the services, industry, and agriculture; however, it is focused on a services-based economy due to the presence of the passengers and pilgrims who travel there. About 40 percent of the Mashhad industry relies on the food, metal and handicraft industry. Most of the Mashhad people are of the Iranian Aryan race, although many Kurds, Turks, and Arabs live there. Mashhad residents speak in Persian Language, Mashhadi accent and they are the followers of Ja'afari Shia.

Mashhad Top Tourist AttractionsTorqabeh; Imam Reza MausoleumFerdousi Mausoleum

UNESCO heritages list of Mashhad: -

Hotels of Mashhad: