As the best representation of the art of tile work and mosaic in Iran and for the colorful glasses used, it is also known as the Pink Mosque. One major portal entrance and two other smaller ones are the means of entering the mosque, naturally, the major entrance is more decorated. After the entrance there is a space called Hashti; it is far simpler than other places in the mosque, made entirely by bricks, and two sets of tile works reflect a poem by Sa’di and the name of the architects of the mosque.
This beautiful mosque has two iwans, each 8 meters tall and adorned by tile works. The architectural style of the mosque is that of Shabistan mosques, with two Shabistan or prayer rooms on the east and west part of the construct. Using the best architects and designers of Iran, both for making this place and for repairing it has turned it into one of the most attractive constructs of the Islamic period